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Monday, November 5, 2012

Continued Learning as a Professional

To begin with, I think it is very beneficial to work with other counselors in your own school district.  In my district, we have a counselors professional learning community and we meet several times per year.  At these meetings, we share ideas and discuss common concerns and how we are dealing with things at our own school.

I try to attend the Kentucky School Counselors Association's annual conference each year.  They typically have good key note speakers that address current issues in counseling.  It is also a good way to network with other school counselors and share ideas.

I also attend the Eastern Kentcky Counselors Association meetings.  They hold a meeting each fall and spring.  They also have different speakers at each meeting that address current counseling issues and practices.

I am required to have 21 leadership hours and 40 professional development hours each school year and I generally choose workshops that will continue my education in school counseling.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the counselors professional learning community. With counselors busy at their own schools throughout the year, this allows counselors within the district to come together to discuss counseling issues that are common throughout the district schools.
