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Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 20

Top 20 reasons why my school needs a counselor.  Not necessarily in any order.

20.  To teach classroom guidance lessons.
19.  Help students develop better peer relationships and social skills.
18.  Help children learn to set goals and make decisions.
17.  To chair ARC meetings and 504.
16.  To help teachers analyze assessment data
15.  To console kindergarten students on the first day of school.
14.  To teach students what it means to be a "Bucket Filler"
13.  To be on bus duty in the afternoon since I don't have a homeroom!
12.  To set up testing schedules and make sure all walls are clear before accountability testing. Fun!
11.  To help students resolve conflicts.
10.  To help students learn to resolve conflicts without adult assisstance.
9.  To provide small group counseling.
8.  Provide individual counseling.
7.  To teach:  The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey
6.  To be an extra chaperone on field trips.  This is actually one of the best times to watch children interact with each other.
5.  To provide a comfortable chair in the counselor's office for teachers and staff who just need a minute to sit.
4.  To provide early identification and intervention for children who have personal/social or academic needs.
3.  To help the child, family, and school work together.
2.  To collaborate with parents, teachers, and administrators.
1. To contribute to the academic success of all students.


  1. Serving as an extra chaperone does enable teachers and counselors to view children interacting with each other. Last week, I helped chaperone a group of students to an ACT workshop. It was nice to see my students/former students interacting outside of the school setting. I also like your number one choice. Counselors definitely contribrute to the academic success of the students in their school.

  2. You mention something that I failed to mention in my top 20. Counselors do help chair 504 and ARC meetings. I wuld have thought that I would have for sure remembered that since we have had 4 ARC's in the past 3 school days! There is so much that counselors do that it becomes difficult to name them all!

  3. I think that the social skills taught to students by counselors are so important. This not only helps them in the school environment, but in everyday life also. This will stay with them throughout their life.
