My Blog List

Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog reflection

I used the course blog to respond to questions/assignments posted by Dr. Shavers.  I also used it to get ideas and input from other classmates.  This was the first time I had created a blog so I felt like this was a good experience for me.  Several teachers at my school use blogs with their classes so I’m glad I know how everything works by having created my own blog.  I think you have the opportunity to be more creative with your posts than with just using the discussion board on Blackboard.
Cindy’s posts really stood out in my mind.  To begin with, she seemed to post early so it was always ready to read and it seemed as if she put quite a bit of time and thought into each of her posts.

I think one of the advantages to blogging was communicating with classmates between our on campus meetings.  I think one of the major disadvantages is the privacy issue with posting things online.  There were several times I wanted to discuss some counseling situations but I had posted the names of the schools I work at and did not want to break confidentiality in any way.  You can really only discuss counseling situations in a face to face setting and that is a disadvantage to blogging.
Sometimes you can feel very alone when completing activities outside of class and the blog created a feeling of community.  I wish I had put a link to everyone’s blog on my page because I tended to continue to read the same students’ posts.

I tried not to read other classmates posts until I had posted my own entries so it was interesting to read what others had written on the same topic and then to reflect on what I had written myself.  I especially enjoyed reading the posts on classroom guidance lessons.  I teach sooo many of them and am always looking for fresh ideas.

It was challenging to respond to 2 posts each week because many times people did not post until late and then we had already moved on to another topic.  I was guilty of this on several occasions.
The only suggestion I have about using blogs in future courses would be to have a link to everyone’s blog on your home blog page.  Also, it might be beneficial to have an earlier deadline for original posts so there is more time to respond to others.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 14: Post of Choice

I am the only counselor in my building.  It's probably that way at most elementary schools in our area.  That can be a very lonely feeling at times because no one else in the building really understands what a counselor does on a daily basis.  I meet with other counselors in my district for PLC meetings several times a year and I reallly look forward to that time.  One of the benefits to this practicum has been my regular meetings with the middle school counselor.  Even though she works at a different level, she has a better understanding of what I do and deal with each day at school.  We have had several discussions about how to better define our roles at each of our schools.  It has also been nice to share activities we use with small groups and during individual counseling. 

Week 14: Reflection of Counseling

 I finally have all of my direct and indirect hours complete at my second site which was at the middle school level.  The indirect hours weren't so hard to complete but the direct hours took quite a bit of scheduling.  I know everyone was in the same situation.  I got to work with several of my former students at the middle school level.  The middle school counselor and I decided that it might be easier to work with the students I had at my elementary school.  Many of them I had worked with since kindergarten.  It was funny (or sad) to see how many of them were dealing with some of the same issues!!  I liked working at the middle school level better than I thought I would. 

  It was  easy to get the hours in at my school since that it what I do every day!!  I had my hours in at my own school very early on in the practicum and I just did some picking and choosing of what I wanted to record. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Easy Breezy

I had a little bit of trouble thinking of something for this post, so I hope I am not way off base with what we were supposed to write about.

I taught first grade for several years.  One year, when I would explain a new concept to the children, I would say, "It's easy breezy."  and I had this little group of children in the class that would respond by saying, "beautiful Cover Girl."  They came up with this response themselves because that commericial for Cover Girl was popular at the time.  We talked about how "easy breezy" meant that what we were learning was going to be effortless and painless.

Well, anyway, I have used the phrase "easy breezy" many times when working with students in counseling.  Often, I work with students in counseling sessions and I tell them that it is going to take a lot of hard work on their part to change and there are many things that do require hard work but there are also those "easy breezy" things that students can easily change.  I think using this phrase helps lighten the mood and it lets them know that certain things don't have to be such a big deal and can be easily fixed.  I think using the phrase "easy brezzy" develops a positive outlook and helps them know they can accomplish some things very easily.

Post of choice

KPREP test results were released for schools to view around October 15th.  Since then, I have spent a substantial amount of time attending district meetings, school level meetings, and individual meetings with teachers discussing and analyzing data.  It has been my responsibility to review data with school staff and review the new accountability system with teachers.  At the elementary level, accountability scores come from achievement, gap, and growth scores.  It is a complicated system and I have had to review the process several times myself before discussing it with teachers.  We are having another data analysis meeting at one of my schools this coming week where we will dig a little deeper into the data and hopefully come up with ideas and strategies for school improvement.

Conducting data analysis with teachers is one of the major roles for school counselors in my school system.  I am focused on students at my schools in a different way during this time.  I am hopeful that my school can refine instruction in several different areas to help students' achievement improve.  I feel like I have grown in this area since becoming a school counselor.  I am thankful for Dr. Owen's classes at M.S.U. on measurement principles and techniques. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Continued Learning as a Professional

To begin with, I think it is very beneficial to work with other counselors in your own school district.  In my district, we have a counselors professional learning community and we meet several times per year.  At these meetings, we share ideas and discuss common concerns and how we are dealing with things at our own school.

I try to attend the Kentucky School Counselors Association's annual conference each year.  They typically have good key note speakers that address current issues in counseling.  It is also a good way to network with other school counselors and share ideas.

I also attend the Eastern Kentcky Counselors Association meetings.  They hold a meeting each fall and spring.  They also have different speakers at each meeting that address current counseling issues and practices.

I am required to have 21 leadership hours and 40 professional development hours each school year and I generally choose workshops that will continue my education in school counseling.


I do classroom guidance lessons on bullying and cyberbullying has now become a part of the unit I teach on bullying.  I teach students that cyberbullying is using the internet and technology to hurt others.  As I do with all types of bullying, I try and teach students to take quick and strong action when being bullied or when seeing other students being bullied.

I think part of preventing cyberbullying or any type of bullying is to create a caring school environment.  Schools need to promote positive values. I think it is important to work with parents on the importance of monitoring what their children are doing online.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ice breaker

I was supposed to present my ice breaker on Tuesday but we did not have class due to the weather.  I wanted to go ahead and post my ice breaker.
This ice breaker is called scattergories.  It is a good way to get people up and moving and interacting so they can learn more about each other.

The facilitator calls out two choices to a question.  Participants then divide themselves by joining with everyone who shared their choice.  You continue to ask as many interesting questions as you like in this fashion.

I have often used this in guidance classes when doing lessons on peer pressure.  I might call out two choices to a question, such as “Do you like Justin Bieber or not?”  Students then walk to the designated side of the room with everyone who shared their choice.  It is very interesting to see how students watch others before they make their choice.  This then leads to a discussion about how we can be influenced by others.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand, I would love to be able to change our students’ home environment.  The family environment plays a huge role in children’s performance at school. I can see a tremendous difference in the home lives of our students just since I began my career in education.   I can’t imagine how much easier this would make a counselors job.  This is a huge undertaking but I think we have to be willing to try different things.   I think I could help influence the change at my school by hosting more family nights with various parenting strategies, tips on early literacy, etc.  The topics could be endless.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 9 Classroom Guidance Lesson

Lesson on Peer Pressure
Over View of Activity
This is a lesson on peer pressure.  I have used it for several years in classroom guidance lessons.  The story and ideas for the lesson come from a book I have entitled:  Lively Lessons For Classroom Sessions.
The purpose of the lesson is for students to be aware of how they can be influenced by their peers and to have an understanding that not all peer pressure is negative.
Intervention Level
Age Group/Grade
9-10 years old/4th grade
Materials Needed
Book:  Lively Lessons For Classroom Sessions, 1 orange card and 1 yellow card for each student, notecards with types of peer pressure
Introduction:  (10 Min.)
I give each student an orange and a yellow card.  I read some alternatives and the students choose between 2 things by holding up the designated colored card.  We then discuss if anyone felt pressure to make the same choice as the majority of the class.  I then define peer pressure (Peer pressure has to do with kids who are around your age-your peers-talking you into doing things you don’t think you should do.)
Story:  (15 Min.)
I read:  The Park Street 10.  It is a story about a group of friends who do things together in the neighborhood during the summer.  One day, a boy suggests that they ride bikes by the railroad tracks.  One girl decides not to go because it is dangerous.  She feels sure she has lost her friends but then the entire group decides not to ride bikes by the railroad tracks.
Discussion Questions:  (5 Min.)
Follow –Up Activities:  (15 Min.)
I define for the students 4 types of peer pressure
1.        Obvious positive:  Kids pressure other kids to do the right thing.
2.       Obvious negative:  Kids are pressuring other kids to do things they know are wrong or dangerous.
3.       Subtle positive:  No one actually comes out and ask anyone to do something positive, but a person wants to do the positive thing because everyone else is doing it.
4.       Subtle negative:  No one is actually telling you to do the wrong thing but because the person wants to be like the rest of the crowd, they go along with the action.
Group Activity: 
Divide the class into 4 groups.  Each group draws a card with a type of peer pressure.  Each group of students role-play to demonstrate a real-life example of the type of peer pressure named on the group’s card.  They act it out for the rest of the class.
We discuss how there is no magic way to fight negative peer pressure.  We talk about standing up and doing the right thing.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 7

I received good feedback from tape 1.  I would like to continue working on giving more purposeful homework and directions for the students between sessions.  I hope to continue to improve by reviewing different counseling theories.  I still have my book from Advanced Theories and I would like to review some of those theories before conducting my next individual counseling session.  Several times I have recorded sessions and have not been happy with how they turned out. I think we can be very critical of ourselves so it was very helpful to me to get positive feedback from my tape 1.  It helps me in class to listen to others share and it is extremely helpful to listen to others when they play their recorded counseling sessions.  I have been impressed with how my classmates listen and reflect on feeling and meaning during their sessions.

Monday, October 1, 2012

5 goals

1.  I would like to become more comfortable working with middle school and high school age students.  Almost all of my counseling experiences have been with elementary age children.

2.  I would like to FINALLY complete my Rank I.

3.  I would like to use small groups more.  They are very powerful but over the years I have tended to focus more on classroom guidance lessons and individual counseling.

4.  I would like to become more consistent with keeping case notes on students.  This practicum has been good for me in that regard.

5.  I would love to be able to redefine the role of elementary counselors in my district.  The elementary counselors are often asked to do many administrative duties because there is no assisstant principal. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

2 movies

One movie I would recommend would be Soul Surfer.  It teaches students to persevere no matter what their circumstances.  I think counselors would like it because it's just sooo inspirational.  I used clips from this movie during guidance class one year and the kids loved it.  You can't help but be inspired when you see her try to learn and surf again with just one arm.  The little girls especially enjoyed this and the little boys were drawn in by the SHARK!

I figured this was one movie (Freedom Writers) that lots of people would have on their favorites list but I still had to put it on mine because I have always loved this movie.  I also read the Freedom Writers Diary that inspired the movie.  It covers so many issues but one of the things I loved most about the movie was the since of home and community that was developed in their classroom.  I think the atmosphere in the classroom demonstrated the core conditions that we talk about so much in counseling.  In the students' classroom they felt acceptance, respect, warmth, and caring.  Please take the time to watch it if you haven't seen it already and I'm definitely going to watch it again because I haven't seen it in a while.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 20

Top 20 reasons why my school needs a counselor.  Not necessarily in any order.

20.  To teach classroom guidance lessons.
19.  Help students develop better peer relationships and social skills.
18.  Help children learn to set goals and make decisions.
17.  To chair ARC meetings and 504.
16.  To help teachers analyze assessment data
15.  To console kindergarten students on the first day of school.
14.  To teach students what it means to be a "Bucket Filler"
13.  To be on bus duty in the afternoon since I don't have a homeroom!
12.  To set up testing schedules and make sure all walls are clear before accountability testing. Fun!
11.  To help students resolve conflicts.
10.  To help students learn to resolve conflicts without adult assisstance.
9.  To provide small group counseling.
8.  Provide individual counseling.
7.  To teach:  The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey
6.  To be an extra chaperone on field trips.  This is actually one of the best times to watch children interact with each other.
5.  To provide a comfortable chair in the counselor's office for teachers and staff who just need a minute to sit.
4.  To provide early identification and intervention for children who have personal/social or academic needs.
3.  To help the child, family, and school work together.
2.  To collaborate with parents, teachers, and administrators.
1. To contribute to the academic success of all students.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 4

I just thought I would reflect on the past week.  I spent all of my mornings last week with McBrayer kindergarten students doing MAP testing.  The first MAP test for kindergarten students does not always give us  accurate results for reading and math because many of the students are still learning to manipulate the computer mouse.  They have headphones and the test is read to them.  It is very engaging but at this point we are still trying to get them to listen to the entire question before selecting an answer.  It's good practice for them and by the second MAP test most of them have the hang of it.

I spend the majority of my time working with kindergarten students at the beginning of the school year.  I am working with a small group on listening skills and following directions. This is above and beyond what the other students receive during regular classroom guidance lessons. I have also worked with their teacher to help develop a behavior tracking sheet for them.  They are quite a challenging little group. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Week

At Tilden Hogge Elementary we began our fall MAP testing this week.  MAP stands for measures of academic progress.  This is a test the students take on the computer to determine instructional levels in reading and math and it measures growth over time.  It is my responsibility to schedule all classes for testing at both Tilden Hogge and McBrayer Elementary kindergarten.  I also stay in the computer lab and help monitor during testing. 

The students always know their scores from the previous MAP test and have a goal for improvement.  We discuss goal setting during guidance class so this is a good way to reinforce those lessons.

During weeks when we are MAP testing, I do not have much extra time to see students on an individual basis but I get to interact with every student in the school.  It will be September 20th before I get all classes completed at Tilden Hogge and McBrayer Kindergarten.
I maintain a website of my own for my school but it is not very comprehensive.  I found an elementary school counselor's website that contains many of the things I would like to include on my own website.  I liked how the website gave a summary of all of the counseling services provided.  There was a Parent Resources page as well as a Student Resources page.  The Parent Resources page provided links to articles addressing commonly asked questions by parents.  A website similar to this could easily address needs of students and parents in my school.  I provided the link to the website below.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I wanted to share a website I use as a resource all of the time for my guidances classes.  For my first guidance lessons of the year, I read books about Bucket Filling. We learn that being a "Bucket Filler" means showing kindness, love, and respect to others. After each guidance lesson during the school year, I give out 2 "Bucket Filler" awards.  Those go to 2 students that have been good listeners during guidance and have shown respect and kindness during the lesson.  There is a Bucket Filling website that I use for free resources.  I print my Bucket Filling certificates from this website.  It has other free resources.  You can also sign up to receive their monthly newsletter.  I have also done some shopping on the website so I have lots of Bucket Fillling items.  Many of you might have used this website but I wanted to share in case you had not.
The link is below:

Friday, August 31, 2012

A counselor is an integral part to the total educational program.  I am an elementary school counselor.  Elementary school is a time when students are developing character values, decision making skills, and life skills. 
A counselor is someone students can come to when they need help. 
A counselor is a listener. 
A counselor helps students learn to solve their own problems.  I want to help students learn as much as they can during the school day and help each and every child feel safe at school.
  A counselor teaches children to be proactive. 
 A counselor helps with things that happen outside of school such as a pet dying or a divorce in the family.  A counselor helps children develop good habits that will help them live happy, productive lives, not only now, but in the future.